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اضغط لتكبيـر الصورة
g09.jpg g14.jpg g12.jpg BahaiTemple.jpg g07.jpg

قيـم هذه الصورة (التصويت الحالي: 2.5 / 5 من 186 تصويت)
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تقييم (186 تصويت):
حجم الملف:691 ك.ب
louis vuitton nachgemacht [نوفمبر 20, 2010 at 09:09 AM]
Jeff Koons is a legend. His works are extremely gaudy, but they are also the most expensive among living artists, and there is no need to add "one of them". The painting on the handbag is also one of JK's art projects [Gazing ball], which means it is a [artwork] from his hands. Art has its own collection market and its corresponding value, so whether you like it or not, it is not just a luxury bag. louis vuitton nachgemacht (...)
أدخـل ملاحظاتك
الاسم تعليق
ط³ط¹ظٹط¯ ط¬ط¯ط§ط§ط¨طھط³ط§ظ…ط©ط­ط²ظٹظ†طھط¹ط¬ط¨ظ…ط¯ظ‡ظˆط´ظ…ط±طھط¨ظƒط¹ط¬ظٹط¨ظٹط¶ط­ظƒط؛ط§ط¶ط¨Razzظ…ط­ط±ط¬ظٹط¨ظƒظٹ ط£ظˆ ط­ط²ظٹظ† ط¬ط¯ط§ط´ظٹط·ط§ظ†ظٹ ط£ظˆ ط؛ط§ط¶ط¨ ط¬ط¯ط§Twisted Evilط¹ظٹظˆظ† ط­ط§ط¦ط±ط©ظٹط؛ظ…ط²More smilies

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