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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )
أرسلت في الخميس 25 ديسمبر 2008 بواسطة admin
English Articles

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )


What is the Bahai Faith?

Who is Bahaullah?

Who is the Bab?

What is the relationship of the Bahaullah to Bab?

What is the relationship of the Bahai Faith to Islam?

Are there any sects or branches of the Bahai Faith?

Who is the leader of the Bahai Faith today?

Then, what is the Universal House of Justice?

Where is the Universal House of Justice located?


What is the Bahai Faith?

The Bahai Faith (founder: Mirza Hussain Ali Noori, Bahaullah) was born out the Babi Faith (founder: Mirza Ali Mohammed Shirazi, The Bab) in Iran in the nineteenth century. The brainchild of Russia, the Babi and the Bahai Faiths were nurtured by the British government to curb the growing influence of Islam. Currently, the headquarters of the Bahai Faith is in Israel. [ Read More ]




Who is Bahaullah?

Mirza Hussain Ali Noori, Bahaullah (1817-1892) is the founder of the Bahai Faith. His position within the Faith is unclear. He first claimed to be the successor to the Bab, then announced he brought a new religion abrogating Bab's religion, and finally declared he was God Himself. [ Read More ]




Who is the Bab?

Mirza Ali Mohammed Shirazi, The Bab (1819-1850), largely considered by the Bahais as the forerunner of the Bahai Faith, was the founder of the Babi Faith. In the various claims made by him in his lifetime, Bab claimed to be the Gate (Bab) of the hidden Imam, then the hidden Imam, and finally God Himself. It is interesting to note that in recent times, the Bahais have elevated the Bab to the rank of an independent Prophet, while the Bab never claimed any such position. [ Read More ]




What is the relationship of the Bahaullah to Bab?

Bahaullah was a follower of Bab, but was not amongst his early and ardent followers. In fact, Bahaullah was not one of the 19 special companions of Bab called the Letters of Living. Bab had nominated Bahaullah's brother Mirza Yahya (Subhe Azal) his successor and not Bahaullah. However, Bahaullah disregarded Subhe Azal and claimed Prophethood for himself. Subhe Azal did not recognize Bahaullah as a prophet. [ Read More ]




What is the relationship of the Bahai Faith to Islam?

The Bahai Faith has no relation to Islam. In fact, the only relationship it has is that it was formulated to create sedition amongst the Muslims and curb the growing influence of Islam. The Bahais are universally accepted to be outside the fold of Islam due to their polytheistic beliefs, denial of finality of Prophethood of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), rejection of the Day of Judgment and other such beliefs. All Muslims scholars, irrespective of their denomination, have disassociated Bahaism from Islam. [ Read More ]




Are there any sects or branches of the Bahai Faith?

Bahais have been fragmented into divisions at the death of every leader. The more known groups being the followers of:

1. The Universal House of Justice,

2. The Orthodox Bahais,

3. Tarbiyat Bahai community,

4. The Remey Society,

5. and many more...




Who is the leader of the Bahai Faith today?

This really depends on which Bahai sect you follow (refer to the question on Bahai sects). The Bahai Faith has been designated to be led by a Guardian. Shoghi Effendi, the first guardian of the Bahai Faith, died in 1957 without any children or appointing the next Guardian. Since then the Bahais do not have any leader.




Then, what is the Universal House of Justice?

Since the leadership issue cannot go unanswered, one of the Bahai sects has made makeshift arrangements of appointing a council of 9 members, called the Universal House of Justice, to lead them.




Where is the Universal House of Justice located?

The Universal House of Justice is located in Haifa, Israel. The Bahai Faith is a state religion in Israel - a country dominated, managed and run by Jews, who are widely considered as the greatest enemies of Islam. Incidentally, the Bahais, despite their claims of forming a Universal Religion, are not permitted to teach the Bahai Faith to the Jews of Israel.

Written by:

 Dr. Mohammed Alam Qurayshi


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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

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